
Virtual Material Testing solution enables you to test your material extensively and to understand how it behaves...

Virtual Material Testing

Following Virtual Material Development our Virtual Material Testing solution enables you to test your material extensively and to understand how it behaves, before advancing to the design phase.
Digimat-VA reduces the number of coupon tests for material qualification, accelerates the trade-off studies in the down-selection process for qualifying new materials, certifying new components and improves the aircraft performance identifying the critical material and manufacturing variables to maximize material performance for a given application. The introduction of a dedicated computer-aided environment, as Digimat-VA, in regulations can have clear benefits potential in terms of reduction in coupon tests by more than 65%
- Salvatore Russo, Leonardo

Speed up and reduce the cost of material characterization and testing

Virtual Material Testing solution uses simulation to complement, optimize and accelerate material characterization which enables you to test your material extensively, to understand how it behaves before advancing to the design phase.

We have developed virtual testing software, enabling hybrid material testing with virtual and physical tests. This cuts the time of testing in half and can reduce cost by a factor of three

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